Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Cake Balls

Have you had any cake balls yet?  The are so DELECTABLE!  In case you're like me and are new to cake balls, they are little ball shaped cakes covered in a candy coating.  My favorite thus far have been lemon.  I am really looking forward to baking some of my own, but for now I'll just have to live off of my memories.  I've already found a great recipe on allrecipes.com.  My favorite place to search for something new! http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Cake-Balls/Detail.aspx  Take a look!  I never had one until Christmas.  Where have they been??  Have I just been missing out or is this a recipe that's been all over for a while now?  Please comment and let me know!

NEWS!!  I actually had an appendectomy last week and I'm still recovering.  This means I'll have to wait another week or so until I make some delicious cake balls.  Check back to see when I make them and how they turn out. :)  YUMMY!

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